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Address & Contact

TapBeat, International Tap Dance Center
Director: Cristina Delius
Jeanne-Mammen-Bogen 580-581
(between Grolman and Uhlandstraße)
D-10623 Berlin-Savignyplatz

S3, S5, S7, S9, S75 Savignyplatz
U1 Uhlandstraße, U9 Zoologischer Garten
U7 Wilmersdorfer Straße
M49, X34 Savignyplatz
M19, M29 Uhlandstraße and other busses
Find us here

phone: +49 30 / 886 24 158
mobil: +49 152 / 277 38 706
email: info@tapbeat.de

Useful links